Re: Smiles, faces, etc

From: Michael \(michka\) Kaplan (
Date: Sat Feb 16 2002 - 23:44:54 EST

From: "Christopher J Fynn" <>

A few pedantic corrections follow.

> IMO attention needs to be paid to making
> sure all these characters are encoded before we start
> bothering with Klingon, smileys, & etc.

Klingon was rejected. A proposal for smileys would be a welcome chuckler for
a UTC meeting, I think -- especially reviewing the samples.

> All the "smiley" characters you need could perhaps be
> encoded by using one of the existing two plus one of the
> variant selector characters.

Variation selectors cannot be used for anything other than the limited
characters defined to accept them by the IRG and the UTC. Ever.

There are enough people worrying about them that I think the bulk of the
committee would pounce on anyone who tried to do anything else with them.


Michael Kaplan
Trigeminal Software, Inc. --

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