RE: [nelocsig] Japanese wave character issue

From: Suzanne M. Topping (
Date: Wed Feb 20 2002 - 13:15:23 EST

The note below came through the NELOCSIG list, but I'm assuming someone
on this list may be able to give Laura some suggestions.

-----Original Message-----
From: Nelson, Laura []
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2002 1:04 PM
To: ''
Subject: [nelocsig] Japanese wave character issue

We have a situation where an important character, the Japanese "wave
character", is lost during transfers from various parts of our software.
The root cause is that Windows uses a different encoding than does the
rest of the world.

Data is entered into our database by one program which uses the more
standard conversion to UTF8, and then read by another program using the
Windows version. It displays as garbage, because the wave character gets
lost in the conversion.

There are other potential conversion issues with the same character,
because it is non-standard.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
The encodings in question are:
U+FF5E used by Windows
U+30-1C used by JIS X 0221, Unicode Consortium, Java (SJIS, EUCJIS, and
JIS), and Mac.
The SHIFT-JIS character is 0x8160

Laura Nelson

Technical Manager


e-Services Group

Lucent Technologies


Contact Suzanne Topping ( for more information or
questions about the NELOCSIG.

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