Re: Stability in standards

From: Alain LaBonté  (
Date: Mon Feb 25 2002 - 13:23:17 EST

A 08:41 2002-02-25 -0800, Doug Ewell a écrit :
>I am reminded of the initial resistance on the part of Canada Post against
>assigning the abbreviation NU to the new territory of Nunavut, on the
>basis that "nu" is French for "nude" and that some French speakers with
>sensitive ears might be offended.

[Alain] It's generally quite foreign to the French (and even more nowadays
in Québec) culture to be offended by nudity... (; However being "tout nu"
(all nude) is a bit synonym of of being poor, so maybe it is the Inuits who
felt humiliated...

    "PET", the abbreviation of Pierre-Elliott Trudeau
(ex-ultra-arrogant-Prime Minister of Canada), was fare more laughable and
the guy did not seem to care (« pet » mean « fart » in French)...

Alain LaBonté

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