A 14:59 2002-02-25 -0500, John Cowan a écrit :
>So say my sources, but such matters of nationality are often
>vague after 450 years. Note that the "Huron" of Canada
>are the "Wyandot(te)" of the U.S., and are to be found
>not only in Oklahoma but also in Kansas, though not
>recognized there by the U.S. government.
>"8endake" is apparently the Huron/Wyandot name for their
>original homeland.
[Alain] In "8endake", the "Huron village" (6 or 7 km from my home) lives
the "8endat" nation (you write "wyandot" in English, where the French
Jesuites wrote "8endat" [i.e. "wendat"]. "8endat" = "Huron" indeed).
Alain LaBonté
PS the "8' is a Greek ligature, in fact an u (psilon) on top of an o
(omicron), so "8" is an abuse, the character is completely open on its top.
The actual character is encoded in Unicode/UCS. The "8endat" language also
uses a Greek theta in addition to the usual Latin letters...
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