Re: Theban alphabet?

From: Michael Everson (
Date: Tue Feb 26 2002 - 08:05:25 EST

At 23:27 -0600 2002-02-25, David Starner wrote:
>There is a full proposal for the Theban alphabet at:
><>. Has anyone here ever seen it?
>It doesn't show on the Unicode website, even in the "Yeah, right"
>listing of scripts.

I certainly remember discussing it with the author in 1999. I told
him I was concerned about it being considered a cypher for the Latin
script. He countered that somewhat. I suggested that he provide some
more samples and get more information about the user community, which
largely consists of practitioners of both theurgic and thaumaturgic

Michael Everson *** Everson Typography ***

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