I have plenty of pages like that on my site, including one linked from the
Unicode site:
Some of the languages on the site proper use Unicode, others do not (mainly
depends on optimizing display behavior in IE).
Michael Kaplan
Trigeminal Software, Inc. -- http://www.trigeminal.com/
----- Original Message -----
From: "$B$m!;!;!;!;(B $B$m!;!;!;(B" <juuitchan@hotmail.com>
To: <unicode@unicode.org>
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 4:15 AM
Subject: Unicode page Web ring?
> People keep saying, "Yeah, Unicode would be great for Japanese, but in
> practice, everyone uses SJIS", etc.
> I have a Web page in Unicode. If I give the URL, it would look like I was
> advertising my page, so I won't.
> Anyone else here have a Web page that is *in*, but not necessarily *about*
> Unicode?
> My page is in Unicode, but does not mention Unicode except in the headers,
> and the headers are invisible unless you choose "view source" in your
> browser.
> $B==0l$A$c$s!!!!!!0&2CMvGO(B
> _________________________________________________________________
> $B;(;o$h$jAa$$!)$"$N%7%g%C%W$N$*4+$a!"Gd$l6Z!"?7@=IJ$O$3$A$i$X(B
> http://shopping.msn.co.jp/
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