Re: Theban alphabet?

From: Kenneth Whistler (
Date: Thu Feb 28 2002 - 13:13:52 EST


> At 23:27 -0600 2002-02-25, David Starner wrote:
> >There is a full proposal for the Theban alphabet at:
> ><>. Has anyone here ever seen it?
> >It doesn't show on the Unicode website, even in the "Yeah, right"
> >listing of scripts.
> I certainly remember discussing it with the author in 1999. I told
> him I was concerned about it being considered a cypher for the Latin
> script. He countered that somewhat. I suggested that he provide some
> more samples and get more information about the user community, which
> largely consists of practitioners of both theurgic and thaumaturgic
> ritual.

It sounds to me that if Eric Raymond wants to pursue this, he
needs to get his act together (and maybe some Wiccans to support
him) to actually update and submit the proposal to the committees.

I, too, am concerned that this originated merely as a Latin
cypher, and remains nothing other than that, even in current
use, rather than being a script in its own right.

And in any case, even to be seriously considered, this should
be a Plane 1 proposal, and not something to take up another
two columns of the BMP.


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