Re: Need a quick font? make your own!

From: $B$m!;!;!;!;(B $B$m!;!;!;(B (
Date: Thu Feb 28 2002 - 14:52:09 EST

>This is pretty interesting. Is it art, is it a toy? Make your own TT fonts
created by a genetic algorithm!
It appears to have a severe limitation in that characters with multiple
strokes are prohibited.
All in all, the characters look more like squiggles than like characters.

For instance, Roman capital letters look boxy and blocky, but they are all
rather distinct (except for maybe C and G). Hiragana look more feminine and
not quite as distinct as roman letters (such as kana "me" and "nu"), but
they still jump out at you when written in a sharp hand. These weird
characters seem to lack the "sharpness" of natural writing systems. Is this
just my opinion, or does yours match?

I think that the problem is that these new characters have too low of a
stroke count.


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