Re: ISO 3166 (country codes) Maintenance Agency Web pages move

From: Timothy Partridge (
Date: Thu Feb 28 2002 - 17:24:18 EST

John Cowan recently said:

> Just how old are house numbers, anyway? Not the *concept* of
> numbering houses (which seems to be 18th century), but actual unaltered
> house numbers? Anyone know?

I would imagine they are relatively stable. Property boundaries can be very
long lived, since unless you own both properties either side of one, you
can't change it. (Govermental interference can change things without the
owners' consent of course.)

A change of street name might be an opportunity for renumbering.

I wonder how long 10 Downing Street, London has been around?


Tim Partridge. Any opinions expressed are mine only and not those of my employer

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