At 09:06 -0500 2002-03-30, Jerome Hodges IV wrote:
>Hi all,
>I wrote before about typesetting Vietnam Highlands documents, and, for the
>most part, all of my problems have been resolved (thanks to all who made
>suggestions). The one character I'm still missing, however, is a capital B
>with a dash (in the glyph, the dash is typically written through the bottom
>half of the vertical line). Does anyone else need this character? Does
>anyone have suggestions before I propose this as a new character in Unicode?
Old Saxon editions use small b-stroke.
>From: R. F. Hahn
>I have inspected a number of facsimiles of Old Saxon texts and did not
>come across any crossed capital "b". I believe that this is because
>this letter cannot occur word-initially, and these texts are all in
>gothic- and uncial-style scripts with no all-capital portions. However,
>I will keep looking.
>A capital version of the letter would, in my opinion, only be needed for
>all-caps portions in modern use. If such a letter were created I would
>suggest that only the left-hand bar be crossed rather than the entire
I'd favour the modern Vietnamese use for the glyph in Unicode.
Jerome, can you get me a scan or two?
-- Michael Everson *** Everson Typography ***
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