updated: Compelling Unicode Example

From: Tex Texin (texin@progress.com)
Date: Fri Apr 05 2002 - 17:11:29 EST

Just fyi, I have updated my example page for business use for Unicode.

Mostly I cleaned up the formatting and moved the contributors column to
an acknowledgement at the end of the page.
I also moved more of the doc to use CSS for styling.

The doc looks best with IE 5.5+ or NS 6.+. Opera 6 does very well except
for one or two entries.

Constructive feedback and suggestions for additional entries that show
off aspects of Unicode that are not yet represented, will be
appreciated. Please don't inundate me with mails for your favorite

This web page has been getting a constant stream of hits, which is why I
thought I should clean it up.
It is possible if you all go that page at once, my ISP will temporarily
suspend the site. Just try again later. I will be switching providers
sometime soon.

I haven't updated the Supplementary Plane example page. That may happen

Tex Texin                    Director, International Business
mailto:Texin@Progress.com    the Progress Company
Tel: +1-781-280-4271         http://www.progress.com
For a compelling demonstration for Unicode:

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