Re: MS/Unix BOM FAQ again (small fix)

From: Otto Stolz (
Date: Thu Apr 11 2002 - 05:28:12 EDT

Doug Ewell wrote:

> As Shlomi points out, Microsoft products do not treat UTF-7
> specially, except that IE recognizes the UTF-7 BOM and sets its encoding
> accordingly (but this is true for any UTF-7 sequence, not just the BOM;
> try loading a text file containing only the 11 ASCII characters
> "M+APw-nchen").

But only if the file is named test.html, or some such.
If its name is test.txt, IE will call Notepad to display it,
and that program, of course, will treat the byte sequence as
CP1252-encoded (or whatever) characters.

I have tested IE 5.00.3314.2101 under Win 98 4.10.2222,
using local files.

Best wishes,
   Otto Stolz

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