Re: To submit or not to submit

From: Amir Herman (
Date: Mon May 13 2002 - 01:57:28 EDT

Quoting John Hudson <>:

> Amir, you are misunderstanding the nature of Unicode. Unicode is a
> *character* encoding standard, and the glyphs in the charts are intended
> only as a visual guide suggesting normative shapes for those characters. In
> the case of Arabic, a single character codepoint is assigned to each
> letter, regardless of the shaping required for that letter.

Thanks for correcting me John.

> In the Unicode
> charts, Arabic characters are typically represented by glyphs showing their
> isolated form, unless it is another form that is distinctive (e.g. the Urdu
> heh goal). It is the purpose of higher level glyph shaping software --
> usually a combination of script shaping engine (e.g. MS Uniscribe) and
> intelligent font format (e.g. OpenType) -- to represent this character with
> glyphs appropriate to the position in a word and responsive to other
> factors affecting shaping. For more information, you might read my article
> 'Windows Glyph Processing' at

If this is the case, why in Unicode it have Arabic Presentation A & C to
present the final, medial, and initial form of Arabic characters?


> The only problem with U+06AC as it is currently represented in the Unicode
> charts is that the glyph is a poor and misleading visual guide because it
> does not represent the more common form of this letter in Jawi.
> John Hudson
> Tiro Typeworks
> Vancouver, BC
> If meaning is inherently public and rule-governed, then the
> fact that I can't read 'Treasure Island' without visualising
> Long John Silver as a one-legged version of my grandmother
> is of interest only to my psychotherapist and myself.
> Terry Eagleton


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