Actually, i gotto internationalize my 'C' application written on linux so
that it can display its log messages in any of the desired languages e.g.
japanese. For that i was just trying to print a japanese string on linux. I
installed unicode fonts and changed the locale using 'export LANG=ja_JP'. I
executed 'date' which returned some garbage ascii characters but not
japanese. I feel somewhere there is a problem of selecting the right
character set. The fonts are there on the system, but they aint being picked
up for display.
I tried writing one sample program (using icu library) displaying a japanese
character string for which i took an hexadecimal values corresponding to a
japanese character range in unicode, but japanese characters still dont show
i m using red-hat linux 2.4.2.
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Friday, June 07, 2002 2:57 PM
To: Manju Bansal, Noida;
Subject: Re: how to display japanese on english linux
>Hi people,
>I am stuck up in displaying japanese text on english version of Linux.
Does /usr/share/locale/ja_JP exist? Does "echo | perl" complain about
the locale when you have the locale set? What version of Redhat are you
running? What specifically have you tried?
Give up any hope of using Japanese at the console for the time being.
While current versions of linux support UTF-8 (but not EUC-JP) at the
console, they only support 512 distinct glyphs. What exactly have you
tried and what exactly were the results?
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