Although, I tend to agree with Peter in this case, one thing you might
want to confirm is whether or not the Hong Kong SCS is going to be used.
The older versions of Windows will use the Private use area for these
characters, making the Unicode produced less portable/interoperable than
the later versions of Windows.
Before you choose the foundation, check out the soil you are building
on! ;-)
(I missed the beginning of the thread, so I didn't see if a specific set
of characters was called out.)
"Michael (michka) Kaplan" wrote:
> From: <>
> > But if all you want to do is something like Chinese but encoded in Unicode
> > rather than a legacy encoding, Win9x/Me can support that.
> Well, not to be grim (<smile>) but when doing this one hopefully knows how
> much everything that goes through the operating system will usually be
> converted back to that legacy code page. Supporting s non-legacy encoding on
> a legacy OS feels like getting a hubcap for a tractor? Or perhaps a tape
> deck? :-)
> Win2000/XP/.Net are ever so much better for supporting Unicode -- when
> building a home, a foundation made to support the house is ever so much
> nicer....
> MichKa
> Michael Kaplan
> Trigeminal Software, Inc. --
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