This is especially in reference to those hex digits. Here is what i have to
say about the matter:
To discourage frivolous character proposals, the Unicode Consortium
requires you to come up with these (I am not sure if this is all the
requirements, there might be more):
1. You gotta fill out a form. Probably not that hard, except that some ISO
standards are referenced, and you might have some research work to do to
find out just what these standards are. If you don't know where to access
these documents, you're stuck.
2. You gotta have a font including the proposed characters. I do not know
what type of font, but No Font = No Complete Proposal.
3. You gotta give them instances of the characters in actual use. I think
you have to send them something to prove this, I'm not sure what.
SO... If you are the only guy who uses these hex digits, and you don't have
a font containing the digits, you basically have less chance proposing
these characters to Unicode than proposing marriage to Anna Kournikova.
However, if you find some previously undiscovered (and illiterate) jungle
tribe, and they count in base 16, and you introduce literacy to the tribe,
and give them YOUR digits, and if they ACCEPT and USE your digits, then
it's pretty safe to say they're in. But you still need that font.
Weird. I am told that it is good that we have non-literals for digits so we
can do higher math, that without them higher math would be all but
impossible, and now we have come full circle to using letters for digits!!
If Thinkit wants to see something interesting, he should see how numbers
are expressed in Braille.
And the real reason I did not propose those two digits to Unicode was that
I did not know how much WORK it would be. Sheesh, where CAN you get the
relevant ISO documents anyway?
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