> -----Original Message-----
> From: William Overington [mailto:WOverington@ngo.globalnet.co.uk]
> It seems to me that various people have contributed various
> good ideas as to
> how chromatic fonts could be produced and applied and the way
> that they
> could also contain items such as text to help a speech synthesiser and
> software subroutines which could be obeyed. I wonder if the
> topic could now
> move forward with a view to defining a format for these and any other
> features so that hopefully an advanced font format which can
> encompass them
> all can arise. What is the correct, polite way to proceed
> please? Is there
> a committee that would need to be approached or what? Does
> anyone know please?
I nominate Tex to head this endeavor, given his insightful input to the
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