At 12:15 -0600 2002-07-02, John H. Jenkins wrote:
>On Tuesday, July 2, 2002, at 11:39 AM, John Cowan wrote:
>>>1) If you map directly from multiple characters to a single glyph, you don'
>>>t have to include glyphs in your font for all the "pieces" if they're
>>>never supposed to appear by themselves. As an extreme example, if I
>>>implemented astral character support via ligating surrogate pairs, I'd
>>>need to include glyphs for the unpaired surrogates.
>>More precisely, you need to have glyph *indexes* that are never mapped
>>to glyphs. The actual outlines themselves don't need to exist, AFAIK.
>True. I tend to avoid that, because if something goes wrong and the
>system attempts to actually *display* one of these virtual glyphs,
>disaster would ensue. (Dave Opstad and I have had long debates on
>the safety of doing this.)
I have to confess I don't understand what you are talking about at
all. Get me them tools, John!
--Michael Everson *** Everson Typography ***
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