Huhh...? You would select the text and simply copy and paste it, given that
you are using a browser and an OS that does Unicode text. The problem is of
course that some browsers/OS's would not let you do that, which is my whole
point with this mail thread.
The page in question is a dynamic page (it's not the same for all users),
and it will resort into using non-Unicode (so called hack encoding) for
browsers/platforms that do not support Unicode. Note that a Unicode savvy
browser would not have to limit itself to 8-bit character sets on
non-Unicode platforms. It would support Unicode despite the lack of support
from the OS. Unfortunately, there are no Unicode savvy browsers on the
em2 Solutions
Michael Jansson
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stefan Persson []
> Sent: Wednesday, July 03, 2002 12:15 AM
> To: Michael Jansson; 'David Starner';
> Subject: Re: Can browsers show text? I don't think so!
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Michael Jansson" <>
> To: "'David Starner'" <>; <>
> Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2002 11:16 PM
> Subject: RE: Can browsers show text? I don't think so!
> >
> Let me see... And if you'd like to copy some text from that
> page and paste
> it into some document...?
> Stefan
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