What I meant to write before was "... CSS 2/@font-face ..." and not "... CSS
2/@font-family ...". Sorry about the typo.
em2 Solutions
Michael Jansson
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Jansson
> Sent: Wednesday, July 03, 2002 10:43 AM
> To: 'Stefan Persson'; 'David Starner'; unicode@unicode.org
> Subject: RE: Can browsers show text? I don't think so!
> As I mentioned in my original posting, you need to use a
> "popular browser on OS 9 or Windows). Although Opera 6 is
> popular and quite good at Unicode, it does not support CSS
> 2/@font-family. Try Opera 5.12, Nav 4.x, Nav 6.x, IE5.x or
> IE6.x instead.
> Yet again, this is my whole point. Browsers do not support
> text, at least not when using a font of my choice.
> Regards,
> em2 Solutions
> Michael Jansson
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