RE: Saying characters out loud (derives from hash, pound,octothorpe?)
From: Suzanne M. Topping (
Date: Thu Jul 11 2002 - 12:29:04 EDT
- Previous message: Markus Scherer: "Re: chcp 10000 (was: Filesystems)"
- Next in thread: John D. Burger: "Re: Saying characters out loud (derives from hash, pound,octothorpe?)"
- Reply: John D. Burger: "Re: Saying characters out loud (derives from hash, pound,octothorpe?)"
- Reply: Rick McGowan: "Re: RE: Saying characters out loud (derives from hash, pound,octothorpe?)"
- Reply: "RE: Saying characters out loud (derives from hash, pound,octothorpe?)"
- Reply: John D. Burger: "*** RECOVERED EMAIL ***: Re: Saying characters out loud (derives from hash, pound,octothorpe?)"
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> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tex Texin []
> I have heard:
> squiqqle for tilde
> bang for exclamation mark
> hook for question mark.
and of course "dot" for period.
There was a comedian in the 1970's (I remember him from the children's
public television show "Electric Company") who pronounced punctuation
"phonetically" while reading various passages. So it wasn't words for
the symbols, it was sounds.
- Previous message: Markus Scherer: "Re: chcp 10000 (was: Filesystems)"
- Next in thread: John D. Burger: "Re: Saying characters out loud (derives from hash, pound,octothorpe?)"
- Reply: John D. Burger: "Re: Saying characters out loud (derives from hash, pound,octothorpe?)"
- Reply: Rick McGowan: "Re: RE: Saying characters out loud (derives from hash, pound,octothorpe?)"
- Reply: "RE: Saying characters out loud (derives from hash, pound,octothorpe?)"
- Reply: John D. Burger: "*** RECOVERED EMAIL ***: Re: Saying characters out loud (derives from hash, pound,octothorpe?)"
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