RE: Saying characters out loud (derives from hash, pound,octothor pe?)
From: Kenneth Whistler (
Date: Thu Jul 11 2002 - 16:54:21 EDT
- Previous message: Suzanne M. Topping: "FW: Chromatic text. (follows from Re: [unicode] Re: FW: Inappropriate Proposals FAQ)"
- Next in thread: Becker, Joseph: "RE: Saying characters out loud (derives from hash, pound,octothor pe?)"
- Reply: Becker, Joseph: "RE: Saying characters out loud (derives from hash, pound,octothor pe?)"
- Reply: Suzanne M. Topping: "RE: Saying characters out loud (derives from hash, pound,octothor pe?)"
- Reply: Barry Caplan: "RE: Saying characters out loud (derives from hash, pound,octothor pe?)"
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Joe sent around a classic version of Waka waka bang splat,
but my favorite is a slightly pared-down version set
to music for a four-part round, lyrics by Fred Bremmer and
Steve Kroese, music by Melissa D. Binde:
where you can listen to it in it's multipart beauty. has other classics such as:
I eat my peas with honey,
I've done it all my life.
It makes the peas taste funny
But it keeps them on my knife.
- Previous message: Suzanne M. Topping: "FW: Chromatic text. (follows from Re: [unicode] Re: FW: Inappropriate Proposals FAQ)"
- Next in thread: Becker, Joseph: "RE: Saying characters out loud (derives from hash, pound,octothor pe?)"
- Reply: Becker, Joseph: "RE: Saying characters out loud (derives from hash, pound,octothor pe?)"
- Reply: Suzanne M. Topping: "RE: Saying characters out loud (derives from hash, pound,octothor pe?)"
- Reply: Barry Caplan: "RE: Saying characters out loud (derives from hash, pound,octothor pe?)"
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