Michael Jansson wrote responding to Michael Kaplan,
> You might be OK if you play by the rules. Then again, you might not ;-)
You're OK if you play by the rules.
At least with me.
> A few details; You can not use neither Arial Unicode MS nor Code 2000 to
> show Indic text with Uniscribe on Windows, as Uniscribe works with OpenType
> Layout fonts (fonts containing more than just the glyphs to support a
> language, i.e. glyph shaping and positioning information). Other shaping
> engines may be able to use these fonts though. The version of the fonts and
> Uniscribe would affect this behavior as well.
Code2000 is OpenType. Don't know about Code 2000.
> Also, there is nothing wrong with neither Latha nor Mangal, nor are these
> the only fonts that can be used to show Indic languages on Windows. Win9x
> simply depends on Code Page information in fonts for various legacy reasons,
> and are as such not equipped to handle "pure" Unicode fonts (this is at
> least my understand of this issue).
Most TrueType and OpenType fonts are pure Unicode fonts and have
been all along. Font specs say that ISO-8859-01 should be included for
back. compat. like in font viewers that display the name of the font
in its own typeface. How can "Mangal" be displayed without
the glyphs? How can a user with Mangal active type in a URL which
begins "http://"?
> If you want to use Indic Unicode fonts with Uniscribe on Win9x, then you
> better make sure that you build the fonts for Win9x yourself. Then again,
> even that may not work... ;-)
Works for me.
Best regards,
James Kass.
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