On Mon, Jul 29, 2002 at 03:18:55PM -0500, Peter_Constable@sil.org wrote:
> On 07/29/2002 03:06:41 PM Keld Jørn Simonsen wrote:
> >> >That does leave you with the must less happy problem of finding a
> platform
> >> with
> >> >user defined locales (approximately no platforms conveniently do this).
> >>
> >> Indeed, a big problem, which is why I would avoid it as much as
> possible.
> >
> >Well, Linux does it quite conveniently, and if you use the GNU C
> >compiler you can do it on many platforms. That is: create your own 10646
> based
> >locale, and even make most of the applications run in your own language.
> That's all well and good for a skilled programmer living entirely in Linux,
> but many small language communities might not have access to a skilled
> programmer, and even if they do, they might not want to be limited to Linux
> only.
Well, you were looking for a platform, and Linux is one of the more
prominent platforms, maybe the second or third largest platform today.
Or are you only looking for a Microsoft platform?
Anyway you can use GNU C on microsoft platforms.
And you do not need to be a skilled programmer to edit gnu libc locales,
and they are today all covering 10646. But you need some knowledge,
also on the characters that you want to put in different categories.
> It's *much* easier -- and, in the long term, safer -- for them to
> select from the extensive inventory of characters available in Unicode and
> to avoid using ASCII punctuation characters with redefined word-building
> semantics.
I don't get what you are saying here, why should people be limited to
ASCII punctuation characters? With GNU libc you can declare your own set
of punctuation characters in the locale, and they can be any 10646
character. Or are you referring to the specific locale syntax from
POSIX/TR 14652?
Kind regards
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