ISRI SoEuro has just been created!!

From: Robert (
Date: Fri Sep 06 2002 - 03:09:50 EDT

Hello, Unicoders!
Recently, I've created a brand-new 8-bit codepage for Windows and Mac systems called ISRISEO (International Symbolism Research Institute—Southern European), which is based on the codpages MS-CPW1254, ISO 8859-3, and ISO 8859-9. Very soon (I hope), you'll be able to input text easily in Maltese, Esperanto, ... even Azəri-Latin!
Here’s a quick summary of the characters included in ISRI SoEuro:

Turkish:Çç Ğğ İı Şş

Azəri-Latin (in addition to the Turkish letters):Əə

Maltese:Ċċ Ġġ Ħħ Żż

Esperanto:Ĉĉ Ĝĝ Ĥĥ Ĵĵ Ŝŝ Ŭŭ

Catalan & Galician:ÁáÉéÍíĿŀÓóÚúÜü

I'm sending a codepage table in .HTML format (only the upper half is shown; the lower half is US-ASCII).
Thank You!

Robert Lloyd Wheelock
International Symbolism Research Institute
Augusta, ME USA

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