The Currency Symbol of China

From: Jane Liu (
Date: Mon Sep 30 2002 - 11:13:57 EDT

  • Next message: Doug Ewell: "Re: Permission to reproduce?"

    Dear Unicoders,

    It seems this Mail Server doesn't allow the message that contain attachment? I have to
    post the bitmap file (RenminbiMark.bmp) that I want to show you on Yahoo group by
    following URL :

    Please take a look at the (RenminbiMark.bmp) first.

    The Unicode code point U+FFE5 is being rendered differently by various True Type fonts
    (SimSun, Arial Unicode MS, MingLiu, Gulim, MS UI Gothic ...) on Microsoft Windows system.
    According to some people, only the glyph from font "SimSun" or "SimSun-18030" is exactly
    following the Chinese standard. I double checked the latest standard of Unicode, in the
    Code Chart(, U+FFE5 is also rendered
    differently from "SimSun".

    So, my questions are:

    1. Do you know which symbol is declared as the standard by Chinese official authorities ?

    2. In China, the currency is called "Renminbi Yuan", why is it not included in Unicode
    standard ? Instead of it, "Yen" is being used which is the name of Japanese currency.
    Does Chinese authorities agree to use the same currency symbol as Japan ?



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