RE: The Currency Symbol of China

Date: Mon Sep 30 2002 - 23:07:31 EDT

  • Next message: Martin Duerst: "RE: glyph selection for Unicode in browsers"

    Thomas Chan wrote,

    > The Japanese currency may be U+5186 today, but that is just a
    > simplification of U+5713. Chinese took a different path of simplifiction
    > and variants, including U+56ED and today's (PRC) U+5143. (The Korean
    > "won" currency is of the same etymology, though not U+571C "hwan",
    > although the theme of a circular object--"rounds"?--is still present.)
    > (Was U+56ED what you saw, James?--I don't have my Krause catalog by me at
    > the moment, but I think it was present on older PRC coinage.)

    There are charts in the front of the section which are much clearer
    than some of the pictures.

    The one I was trying to describe turns out to be U+5713, one of the four
    ideographs listed. U+5713 could be described as rad. 31 enclosing U+54E1,
    which is also shown. The other two shown are U+5143 and U+571C.

    The scripts shown on older Chinese coins are amazing. They include
    Chinese (of course), Latin, Cyrillic, Turki, and Manchu.
    > .... (I'm not going to get into 1/10th
    > and 1/100th units at this time.)

    I don't blame you. According to Krause...
    One Dollar (Yuan) = 100 Cents (Fen/Hsien) = 1000 Cash (Wen/Ch'ien) =
        (=) 0.72 Tael (Liang) = 7 Mace and 2 Candareens
    ...and, that's just for starters.

    Best regards,

    James Kass.

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