Re: Mac Unicode question

From: John Delacour (
Date: Tue Oct 01 2002 - 16:50:30 EDT

  • Next message: Michael Everson: "Re: Mac Unicode question"

    At 10:22 am -0600 1/10/02, John H. Jenkins wrote:

    >On Tuesday, October 1, 2002, at 08:42 AM, Alan Wood wrote:
    >>I don't think anyone replied to this. As far as I know, these are the only
    >>applications for Mac OS 9 that can use Windows TrueType fonts:
    >On X, any (non-Classic) application can use Windows TrueType fonts.
    >Carbon applications which do not explicitly use ATSUI or MLTE are
    >limited in how much of the font they can use. Cocoa apps are pretty
    >much able to do anything.

    Even better -- TT fonts (provided they do not use Unicode code
    points) can be used in ANY classic app from System 8.6 onwards (at
    least) with or without OS 10.

    To make a font recognisable in OS <10, it must have its file type and
    creator types set. To do this, select a single font file in the
    finder and run this script:

             tell application "Finder"
               set fontfile to selection as string as alias
               set file type of fontfile to "sfnt"
               set creator type of fontfile to "movr"
             end tell

    TT fonts (such as Arial Unicode MS) can only be used in OS 8/9 in
    applications such as WorldText, which means, so far as I know,
    WorldText period. Mac developers have not been and still are not
    rushing to produce editors that understand Unicode. Some of them
    seem to believe their apps understand Unicode and make out to their
    customers that they do, but this is pure fantasy. The illusion was
    successfully created by Apple while they dragged their feet for years
    and did conjuring tricks with the TEC.

    TT fonts, whether Unicode or not, will work fine without modification
    in OS 10 and it suffices to put them in ~/Library/Fonts/. I forget
    whether you need to log out to activate them.

    I am hoping that the first serious Unicode word processor to emerge
    will be Nisus, which has done such wonderful service with
    multilingual stuff in the past. Microsoft's Office X cannot yet
    display Unicode, though it looks as if it can 'store' Unicode behind
    its lines of dashes without destroying it by converting it. I
    haven't tried, but it's quite possible that a Word X doc containing
    (undisplayed) Unicode strings can be transferred to Windows and
    displayed properly. I'm just guessing here and am not going to
    bother trying because I detest MS Word in all its weak flavours.


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