Re: Omega + upsilon ligature?

From: John Cowan (
Date: Wed Oct 02 2002 - 10:12:13 EDT

  • Next message: Alexandros Diamantidis: "Re: Omega + upsilon ligature?"

    John Hudson scripsit:

    > This ligature is one of the few that survived the extended period of
    > ligature-rich cursive Greek typography that began in the late 15th century
    > and withered in the mid-18th century.

    And (uniquely for a Greek ligature?) was copied into the Latin alphabet,
    and is now in use for /w/ in certain French-derived orthographies.

    John Cowan
    Promises become binding when there is a meeting of the minds and consideration
    is exchanged. So it was at King's Bench in common law England; so it was
    under the common law in the American colonies; so it was through more than
    two centuries of jurisprudence in this country; and so it is today. 
           --_Specht v. Netscape_

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