From: John Hudson (
Date: Mon Oct 07 2002 - 13:22:38 EDT
At 09:01 AM 06-10-02, Anto'nio Martins-Tuva'lkin wrote:
>I just installed inDesign 1.5 and noticed that it doesnt support Unicode
>characters (Pasting from W2k's CharMap and using Keyman).
>Can anybody tell, please, which version of inDesign do support Unicode,
>if any?
Unicode copy & paste support is a little flaky in InDesign 1.x. You should
have better results
in 2.x. You might also try saving the Unicode text in one of InDesign's
recognised import formats (I use a plain .txt file whenever possible), and
then placing the file in an InDesign document. This has worked more
consistently for me than copy/paste.
John Hudson
Tiro Typeworks
Vancouver, BC
Those books that allow us to forget the most
are accorded the status of a classic.
- James Secord
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