From: Kenneth Whistler (
Date: Fri Oct 11 2002 - 16:23:39 EDT
> > Mark, I am curious why you find this term so distasteful? Is it the
> > algorithm itself or just a general objection to acronyms and the like? Or
> > something else entirely?
> I find this particular way of forming abbreviations particularly ugly and
> obscure. It is also usually unnecessary; looking at any of the messages
> brought up by Google, the percentage of 'saved' keystrokes is a very small
> proportion of the total count. And when it leaks out into the general
> programmer community, it just looks odd.
> For me, it is on the same order as using "nite" for "night", or "cpy" for
> "copy".
u shuld just be glad u wont live to see the day when netspeak roolz
and ur goofy language is rOxXoRed!
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