Re: Manchu/Mongolian in Unicode

From: Dean Snyder (
Date: Mon Oct 14 2002 - 09:28:21 EDT

  • Next message: John H. Jenkins: "Re: Manchu/Mongolian in Unicode"

    Michael Everson wrote the following at 10:18 AM on Mon, Oct 14, 2002:

    >At 11:26 -0700 2002-10-13, Tom Gewecke wrote:
    >>The latest Mac OS X upgrade has fonts that include the classic
    >>Mongolian/Manchu range, 1800-18AF

    You can view all supported characters by using the Unicode character
    palette invoked from the keyboard menu in Mac OSX 10.2.

    This is a great Unicode tool (and one I have seen no mention of
    elsewhere). You can view characters by Unicode block or the entire
    Unicode character set; you can view the glyph catalog of whatever font
    you select; you can add characters to the favorite tab. When you select a
    character it shows the Unicode name, number, and related characters (like
    the box drawing charcaters).


    Dean A. Snyder
    Scholarly Technology Specialist
    Center For Scholarly Resources, Sheridan Libraries
    Garrett Room, MSE Library, 3400 N. Charles St.
    The Johns Hopkins University
    Baltimore, Maryland, USA 21218

    office: 410 516-6850 mobile: 410 245-7168 fax: 410-516-6229
    Digital Hammurabi:
    Initiative for Cuneiform Encoding:

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