Re: Hindi keyboard with the Microsoft Hindi font Mangal

From: Michael \(michka\) Kaplan (
Date: Tue Oct 15 2002 - 12:22:35 EDT

  • Next message: Roozbeh Pournader: "Re: Hindi keyboard with the Microsoft Hindi font Mangal"

    From: "Doug Ewell" <>

    > It's too bad you can't see that combination on the
    > Javascript keyboards at Globaldev.

    The use of either <CTRL> or <CTRL><SHIFT> shift states in Microsoft-supplied
    keyboards is very rare. The reason it is rare is that it interferes with
    programs that use those shift states to perform control actions (such as
    Microsoft Word).

    It is also difficult (though not impossible) to query the actual information
    on these shift states due to the fact that USER will automatically map such
    keystrokes to control characters (if there is no assigned keystroke in the
    keyboard layout itself).


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