Re: Character identities

From: Anto'nio Martins-Tuva'lkin (
Date: Mon Oct 28 2002 - 15:59:41 EST

  • Next message: John Hudson: "Re: Character identities"

    On 2002.10.28, 13:09, David Starner <> wrote:

    > Basically, any decorative or handwriting font can't be a Unicode font.
    > Seems pointless to tell a lot of the fontmakers out there that they
    > shouldn't worry about Unicode, because Unicode's only for standard
    > book fonts

    Hm, what if I want to make, say, snow capped Devanagari glyphs for my
    hiking company in Nepal? Shouldn't I assign them to Unicode code points?

    -- ____.
    António MARTINS-Tuválkin | ()|
    <> |####|
    R. Laureano de Oliveira, 64 r/c esq. |
    PT-1885-050 MOSCAVIDE (LRS) Não me invejo de quem tem |
    +351 917 511 549 carros, parelhas e montes | só me invejo de quem bebe | a água em todas as fontes |

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