Re: RE: Character identities

Date: Tue Oct 29 2002 - 16:56:16 EST

  • Next message: Michael Everson: "RE: Character identities"

    >At 21:07 +0100 2002-10-29, Marco Cimarosti wrote:
    >> > I'm sure Michael would agree too (at least I hope so), and many others.
    >>There are many Michaels and many "others" here... If any of them wish to
    >>intervene, I hope they'll rather say something new to take the discussion
    >>out of the loop, rather than joining one faction.
    >My eyes have glazed over reading this discussion. What am I being
    >asked to agree with?

    Is it complaint with Unicode to have a font where a-umlaut has a glyph of
    a with e above? What about a glyph of a-macron (e.g. a handwriting font for someone who writes a-umlaut that way)?

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