From: Chris Pratley (
Date: Tue Dec 10 2002 - 18:03:20 EST
If you put the bytes "00" and "41 in the file in that order, and expect
LATIN CAPTIAL LETTER A, then that is assuming a text file encoding of
UCS-2/UTF-16, and a byte order of MSB first, LSB second. Word calls that
encoding "Unicode (big-endian)". You can use Word2000 or Word2002 to
open that file directly.
If your file just has a single character in it, that is not usually
enough for Word's automatic encoding detection to work, so you should
turn on "Tools/Options/General/Confirm conversion at open". When you
then try to open the file, a dialog will ask you to confirm the format.
Choose encoded text, then select "Unicode (big endian)" as the encoding
to use when opening the file.
Likewise, you can enter these characters into Word (either by typing, or
using "0041" followed by the "Alt-X" keystroke), and save them as
"encoded text" (Word2000), or just "plain text" (Word2002). You'll be
presented with the opportunity to choose the encoding for saving.
I should note that on Windows, the more common byte order is "little
endian", which is "41" then "00". If you are creating this file for
interop with other Windows programs, they will most likely be assuming
"little endian", so that may work better.
-----Original Message-----
From: Raghupathy, Ramesh . []
Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2002 9:42 AM
To: ''
I am new to this list. I like to know if there is method to input
hexadecimal code points into a file on Windows and use MS Word to see
actual character ?
For example: I like to input 0x0041 in a file and when I use MS Word to
this file it should show me LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A.
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