From: Roozbeh Pournader (
Date: Sun Dec 22 2002 - 10:05:53 EST
> > I'm trying to find out some information about the extended
> > Arabic character KEHEH (06A9), which the code chart indicates
> > is used in the Persian (Farsi) language. Staff familiar with
> > Persian in the library use the Arabic letter KAF (0643)
> > instead of this and the two characters look the same to them.
> > What is the difference? If no difference, why two code points?
There are differences in the shape of these two letters in isolated or
final form that has made Unicode encode these as two different letters.
The Iranian Standard ISIRI 6219:2002 "Information Technology -- Persian
Information Interchange and Display Mechanism, using Unicode", *requires*
using U+06A9 ARABIC LETTER KEHEH for the Persian Kaf because of its
Persian shape and Unicode's recommendation.
Please tell your staff to use U+06A9 KEHEH for the Persian Kaf, if they
wish consistency with other Persian information encoded in Unicode on the
> > This was noticed as soon as we tried using the Farsi(Persian)
> > keyboard in Windows 2000. It contains the KEHEH character
> > but does not have a KAF. I have already made inquiries of
> > Microsoft about this and the character that looks like the
> > KAF to us definitely maps to 06A9.
Microsoft's "Farsi" keyboard is right to include KEHEH as the main Persian
Kaf. The Iranian keyboard standard ISIRI 2901:1994 has both KEHEH and KAF
on the keyboard (the later on a shifted position), to faciliate Arabic
text entry using the Persian keyboard.
> > Is there an expert in the Persian language who could help?
There is a web page and two mailing list on Persian Computing matters.
Please see <> for more details.
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