Re: Handwritten EURO sign

From: Michael Everson (
Date: Fri Feb 07 2003 - 10:09:38 EST

  • Next message: Marco Cimarosti: "RE: Handwritten EURO sign"

    At 14:42 +0000 2003-02-07, Marion Gunn wrote:
    >I wonder if any Unicoders have seen the handwritten EURO sign which differs
    >substantially from the usual computer-generated kind?

    I have seen a C with an equals sign inside it not touching the C.

    >The one on the banknotes (lefthanded Crescent Moon with double bar) is
    >quite unlike one used around here (rounded reversed digit THREE with double

    That sounds like a script capital E with a double bar. You may find
    the discussion at of interest.

    Michael Everson * * Everson Typography *  *

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