RE: CJK test data

From: Andrew C. West (
Date: Tue Feb 11 2003 - 05:55:15 EST

  • Next message: SRIDHARAN Aravind: "Converting EBCDIC to Unicode"

    On Tue, 11 Feb 2003 02:35:30 -0800 (PST), wrote:

    > My Chinese-speaking colleage, Tianmiao Hu, informs me that
    > this _is_ the official test data. Can anyone confirm or deny this?
    > It would be nice to find this same data from a more official source.
    > Instructions in english would be helpful, also. :-)

    These seem to be the official test data files. They are also downloadable from
    various Chinese websites, including :

    The former page has full explanations of the test procedure ... basically, to be
    able to open each of the test files, and correctly* display and print the entire
    contents of the page (comparing the results with the official GB 18030-2000 code
    tables); and to be able to open and edit random.txt.

    * N.B. "correctly" means "according to the glyphs in the code charts" for
    Tibetan (Zang.txt) and Mongolian (Meng.txt).



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