Re: Hot Beverage font

From: Andrew C. West (
Date: Wed Feb 19 2003 - 05:22:42 EST

  • Next message: Andrew C. West: "CJK Unified Ideographs Range"

    William's Hot Beverage glyph is actually quite a good interpretation of the
    character, that displays well at all point sizes. Perhaps he could add a glyph
    for the Hot Pizza character (U+2668) whilst he's on a roll.

    But why is the Hot Beverage character listed under the heading "Weather Symbol"
    in the Miscellaneous Symbols code chart ? Does it rain tea and coffee in North
    Korea ? Or does the annotation "can be used to indicate a wait" imply "Oh look,
    it's raining again ... let's go inside and have a nice cup of tea while we wait
    for the sun to come out" (Korean translation forthcoming).


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