From: Otto Stolz (
Date: Mon Feb 24 2003 - 15:45:17 EST
Lukas Pietsch wrote:
> Actually, the symbol and several others already exist and seem to be
> standardized. The "Duden", the authoritative source on German
> orthography, describes them in its section on typesetting practices,
> under the heading of "genealogical symbols". Besides the asterisk
> (born), the dagger/cross (died), and the two overlapping rings (married)
> it lists:
> wavy horizontal line (= baptized)
> a single ring (= engaged)
> two rings separated by a vertical bar (= U+29DE?) (= divorced)
> two rings joined by a horizontal line (= extramarital)
> two swords crossed (= died in combat)
> rectangle (= buried)
> urn symbol (= cremated)
> The "married" symbol, by the way, typically differs from the infinity
> symbol, as it consists of two overlapping circles, not just circles
> touching each other. The "born" and "died" symbol, on the other hand,
> are clearly identical with the normal typographical asterisk and dagger.
> The Duden also makes it clear that these are all for use in inline text
> ("können in entsprechenden Texten zur Raumersparnis verwendet werden").
> I haven't got a scanner here, else I might put up a scan somewhere.
From: Duden "Rechtschreibung der deutschen Sprache und der Fremdwörter"
/ hrsg. von d. Dudenred. auf d. Grundlage d. amtl. Rechtschreibregeln.
[Red.Bearb.: Werner Scholze-Stubenrecht unter Mitw. von Dieter Berger
...]. - 19., neu bearb. u. erw. Aufl.
ISBN: 3-411-20900-3,
p. 73
Best wishes,
Otto Stolz
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