From: Michael Everson (
Date: Tue Mar 18 2003 - 08:31:24 EST
At 11:25 +0100 2003-03-18, Pim Blokland wrote:
>There are occasions on which new codepoints were created for
>characters that were basically glyph variants. The greek letter
>koppa springs to mind: there are two glyph variants for this letter,
>and when it turned out font designers weren't sure how it should
>look, new codepoints were introduced for the "archaic" koppa, in
>order to show both variants and avoid confusion.
This is incorrect. The two characters have diverged in usage and are
not interchangeable. The archaic koppa is used as a letter of the
alphabet (q) to write names and words; the other koppa is used to
number paragraphs in modern Greek legal texts. See
-- Michael Everson * * Everson Typography * *
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