From: Kenneth Whistler (
Date: Tue Mar 18 2003 - 18:27:53 EST
Pim Blokland asked:
> I've got a few questions about the use of geometric shapes, like
> squares and such.
> Some of these look very similar to one another, and I don't know
> which ones to use in which circumstances!
> Are their any guidelines on their use?
> Just as an example, let's look at the squares. These come in four
> sizes: small, medium, medium small and (not specified).
Part of what you are looking for is discussed in the Draft
Unicode Technical Report #25, "Unicode Support for Mathematics".
See Section 2.11 Geometric Shapes in that document.
The discussion there is tentative, in part because there is
still some controversy in the UTC regarding exactly which
sets of characters line up in what sets of gradation for
these geometric forms.
You could provide feedback to the authors of the Draft UTR
to help them figure out what questions should be addressed
in that UTR regarding the geometric shape characters.
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