From: Marco Cimarosti (
Date: Thu Jun 05 2003 - 08:30:07 EDT
Rob Mount
> Q1: Can a character be both alphabetic and diacritic?
I would say yes. My understanding of the "Lm" general category is: "a
diacritic letter".
> Q2: Is there a difinitive answer as to whether this is an alphabetic
> character?
Strictly speaking, as katakana and hiragana are not alphabets, their letters
cannot be called "alphabetic".
But I guess that you mean "alphabetic" is the sense that isalpha() should
return TRUE for it, i.e. in the sense that it is a character used to write
*words* in the orthography of some language. In this sense, yes, IMHO:
isalpha() should return true for all the characters having general category
_ Marco
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