Re: Address of ISO 3166 mailing list

From: Marion Gunn (
Date: Fri Jun 06 2003 - 11:15:45 EDT

  • Next message: Doug Ewell: "Re: UNESCO standard keyboards? (Re: Tamazight/berber language : ....)"

    Ar 17:04 -0400 2003/06/04, scríobh Tex Texin:
    >Marion, It is very easy to start your own list...

    Have done, may do so again, as needs be.

    >You can create lists for 3166...

    Thanks, but no, thanks, Tex, although I do think such a service would be
    good, to provide the same open discussion forum/bug reporting/testing
    ground for ISO 3166 as provides prior to IANA
    submissions, and for Unicode/10646 (the latter purpose
    having been served by two separate lists until recent times).

    I'm more concerned with maintaining lists serving indigenous communities in
    their own languages, and with contributing/requesting expertise elswhere.

    (Some Irish lists, as you may know, were recently mercilessly dive-bombed
    with msgs in English, trying to disrupt debates in Irish about a lang-tag
    problem which also surfaced on the IANA and Unicode lists.)

    >Other Unicode folks have created specialized lists for their own purposes.

    Thanks for that 'other' - meaning you, Tex, consider I count as one?:-)

    Oftentimes, I feel the Unicode list, or some of its members, to be
    approachable/ helpful/appreciative in areas to do with character
    sets/groupings and cultural codetags, and how the bits and pieces get
    cobbled together, for good or ill, to make up locales.

    At other times, I feel like I just stumbled into a YMCA when its inmates
    are restive/want a common enemy (that's when I bring to mind the 3 children
    - or, yea, a Daniel! - and go do it anyway).


    Marion Gunn * EGT (Estab.1991) * *
    fiosruithe/enquiries: * *

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