Re: Arabic script web site hosting solution for all platforms

From: Lateef Sagar (
Date: Thu Jun 19 2003 - 01:46:38 EDT

  • Next message: Jain, Pankaj (MED, TCS): "Problem with Arial Unicode MS font for BOLD/ITALICS in PDF"

    Hi all,
    I am a member of this list for some time and I know
    some members are interested in the Arabic script
    rendering issues on the platforms that do not support
    Arabic or even Unicode. Therefore I included its email
    address in my "To" field.

    Secondly I have emailed to a longer list of groups
    because I am member, manager and owner of some of
    these groups. The moderators and other members of many
    of these lists know me personally therefore I don't
    face any problems whenever I send such announcements.

    Thirdly I do believe that I should have written a
    specific email for this particular group as the
    subject and content of the email is a bit generic. But
    I am very much certain that despite a few many others
    are actually interested in such technologies and
    that’s their reason for subscription to these groups
    and I only tried to tell all the members that such a
    technology is possible and real!

    Lateef Sagar Shaikh

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