From: Valeriy E. Ushakov (
Date: Wed Jun 25 2003 - 07:05:26 EDT
On Wed, Jun 25, 2003 at 02:10:44 -0700, Andrew C. West wrote:
> I've never really understood normalization, but it seems to me that
> normalising "bcuig" <0F56, 0F45, 0F74, 0F72, 0F42> to "bciug" <0F56,
> 0F45, 0F72, 0F74, 0F42> is wrong as "bciug" could conceivably be a
> shorthand abbreviation for a wcompletely different word with a gigu
> [i] on the first syllable and a shabkyu [u] on the second syllable.
Err, as in this particular case one vowel sign is above and the other
one is below the stack - i.e. they don't interact spatially - you
cannot really distinguish them. ;)
SY, Uwe
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