From: Tex Texin (
Date: Sun Jul 06 2003 - 18:58:59 EDT
thanks Ben. Yes, Gai was wrong, I see the source I used had it wrong compared
to many other sources.
On shi/jo the glyph I see in Windows charmap doesn't look right. Perhaps it is
my particular set of fonts. I expect to see a radical on the right that looks
like the character for child, and charmap shows something else. I'll wait to
see if someone else chimes in pro or con.
The rest of the values in your list are consistent with other docs I have
looked at. Thanks very much. I appreciate your taking the time to reply to me.
Ben Monroe wrote:
> [UTF-8]
> Tex Texin wrote:
> > When writing out Japanese numbers a different character is
> > used for every unit that is a power of 10,000: man oku chou
> > kei gai jo jou ...
> >
> > Apparently JIS didn't have a character for jo. It looks
> > something like the
> > pair: U+79BE U+4E88.
> >
> > Is there a single character for jo in Unicode? If so which is
> > it? If not, what is the correct (or maybe traditional) way to
> > represent this character in Unicode?
> >
> >
> > (I am trying to correct the table at
> > > )
> Please not that the character listed for "gai" is incorrect. The character is 垓 U+5793
> This "jo" that you are referring to is generally read as "shi", but "jo" is found in a few sources. My Koujien (a J-J dictionary) lists it as "shi". It is U+79ED 秭. Be aware that there are a few different glyph variations of it.
> In general, the list goes as follows:
> Character [Reading] Code point Value
> 一 [ichi] \u4e00 10^0
> 十 [juu] \u5341 10^1
> 百 [hyaku] \u767e 10^2
> 千 [sen] \u5343 10^3
> 万 [man] \u4e07 10^4
> 億 [oku] \u5104 10^8
> 兆 [chou] \u5146 10^12
> 京 [kei] \u4eac 10^16
> 垓 [gai] \u5793 10^20
> 秭 [shi] \u79ed 10^24
> 穰 [jou] \u7a70 10^28
> 溝 [kou] \u6e9d 10^32
> 澗 [kan] \u6f97 10^36
> 正 [sei] \u6b63 10^40
> 載 [sai] \u8f09 10^44
> 極 [goku] \u6975 10^48
> 恒河沙 [gougasha] \u6052\u6cb3\u6c99 10^52 (maybe 10^56)
> 阿僧祇 [asougi] \u963f\u50e7\u7947 10^56 (maybe 10^64)
> 那由他 [nayuta] \u90a3\u7531\u4ed6 10^60 (maybe 10^72)
> 不可思議 [fukashigi] \u4e0d\u53ef\u601d\u8b70 10^64 (maybe 10^80)
> 無量大数 [muryoutaisuu] \u7121\u91cf\u5927\u6570 10^68 (maybe 10^88)
> For the last five entries, the "maybe" notes are from a historical text known as Jinkouki (塵劫記 U+5875 U+52ab U+8a18) that presents an alternative theory of the numeric values. It is an introductory arithmetic text from 1627 written by a Mitsuyoshi Yoshida.
> Hope this helps.
> Ben Monroe
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