From: Ted Hopp (
Date: Thu Jul 31 2003 - 15:39:10 EDT
On Thursday, July 31, 2003 2:31 PM, Jony Rosenne wrote:
> This argumentation applies equally well to th (which should be at least
> Unicodes in English), gh (how many?), etc.
> Jony
How so? Holam male has different semantics, different pronunciation, and
different typography from consonantal vav with holam haser. The distinctions
cannot be maintained in text encoded with Unicode. The same arguments
(especially the point about Unicode erasing distinctions) do not apply to th
and gh. Nobody (at least, no native English speaker) thinks of th or gh as
single characters, either. (You might have a little more luck if you tried
ch, ll, and rr in Spanish. But then, of course, your argument would be
weaker because the devil's advocate position wouldn't be as silly.) The full
argument also does not apply to the case of shuruq vs. vav with dagesh
(semantics and pronunciation yes, typography no). Notice that nobody's
making a lot of noise about shuruq.
So we can just shrug our shoulders and say that nobody should care and so be
it. Or we can look to a solution. The cleanest one (to my way of thinking)
is to add a character to Unicode. I strongly prefer adding a holam male
(base) character as opposed to adding a new combining mark.
The only alternative proposal that seems to make some sense is to leave the
Unicode characters as they are and adopt the usage convention that a Hebrew
consonant combined with a holam haser (and possibly other marks, but not
other vowels) followed by a vav with no combining marks (including no
teamim, except maybe 05C4, if anyone can say what that's for) should be
interpreted as the consonant followed by a holam male. However, this has its
own problems, such as requiring extended contextual analysis (possibly
including a look-ahead to the end of a word) to resolve the meaning of an
encoding. We'd also need to figure out how to handle creating a holam male
at the start of a line, surrounded by spaces, etc. We'd have to give up on
the possibility of writing one holam male after another in any simple way.
If it can be made to work under those conditions, it may be a viable
Ted Hopp, Ph.D.
ZigZag, Inc.
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