Re: Transcoding Tamil in the presence of markup

From: Peter Jacobi (
Date: Sun Dec 07 2003 - 15:09:33 EST

  • Next message: Philippe Verdy: "RE: Coloured diacritics (Was: Transcoding Tamil in the presence of markup)"

    > At 2:43 pm +0100 7/12/03, Peter Jacobi wrote:
    > >Then you consider
    > > <span style='color:#00f'>&#x0BB2;</span>&#x0BCA;
    > >to be valid input, which ideally should render as intended?
    > I have uploaded a valid page to
    > <>
    > where you should see the lo properly displayed (in the second case).
    > As to the TSCII stuff I have simply followed your encodings, which
    > seem to give different glyphs, but maybe the first font in my list
    > (MylaiTSC) is encoded differently -- so much for unregistered legacy
    > encodings.
    > >Then you consider
    > > <span style='color:#00f'>&#x0BB2;</span>&#x0BCA;
    > >to be valid input, which ideally should render as intended?
    > In your TSCII version you write
    > &#xa7;<span>&#xc4;</span>&#xa1;
    > is that not equivalent to Unicode
    > &#xbc6;<span>&#xbb2;</span>&#xbbe;
    > >>From a processing point of view, it is somehwat challenging, as you
    > >may have to parse through lots of markup, until you know what to do
    > >with the 0BB2.
    > That seems fairly easy. I must be missing the point.
    > >As I've understood from other posts, the font support for
    > >all this is theoretically available, but not often done in practice.
    > For Windows browsers I find I have to specify a Unicode font (in this
    > case Arial Unicode MS) in order for pages to display properly without
    > the user fiddling with his browser preferences. As I said I have
    > WinNT 4.0 so maybe this has changed now. The Mac browsers (Safari,
    > OmniWeb) require no font to be specified and will display the correct
    > characters no matter what the user's defaults. I have nothing to do
    > with Mozilla.
    > JD

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